Friday, October 3, 2008
2008-09 AsianYachting Grand Prix Championships gets underway in October

2008-09 VOR sets sail for the blue yonder

Asian Stopover Dates
Leg 2 Capetown to Cochin Start: 15 Nov 2008, 4,450 Nm ETA: Wed, 3 Dec 2008 Leg 3 Cochin to Singapore Start: 13 Dec 2008, 1,950 Nm ETA: Tue 23 Dec 2008 In-port race 10-11th January 2009 Leg 4 Singapore to Qingdao Start: 18 January 2009, 2,500 Nm ETA: Fri 30 January 2009 Leg 5 Qingdao to Rio De Janeiro Start: 14 Feb 2009, 12,300 Nm ETA: Fri 20 March 2009

Eight entries & Media Crew Members
Delta Lloyd (Ger O’Rourke) Sander Pluijm NED
Ericsson 4 (Torben Grael) Guy Salter GBR
Ericsson 3 (Anders Lewander) Gustav Morin SWE
Green Dragon (Ian Walker) Guo Chuan CHN
Puma Ocean Racing (Ken Read) Rick Deppe GBR
Team Russia (Andreas Hanakamp) Mark Covell GBR
Telefonica Black (Fernando Echavarri) Mikel Pasabant ESP
Telefonica Blue (Bouwe Bekking) Gabriele Olivo ITA
Friday, August 22, 2008
Olympic Sailing Competition Qingdao, China

Cheers for now
Capt Marty
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Advanced Crewing Techniques course added to AY Syllabus

Two new pages have been added to the already comprehensive AY Syllabus that will interest crews coming to grips with racing skills. The Advanced Crewing page explains the syllabus and has links to the new Boat Handling page which covers Skipper & Crew Responsibilities, Boat Handling Under Power or Sail, Crew Roles, Organization, Co-Ordination and the Fine Art of Crewing. The Spinnaker handling page has a new section added - Set-up and Gybing Asymmetrical Spinnakers Further info on AY sailing courses, directions to PD World Marina, links to the entire AY Syllabus and Online Registration can be found at: http://asianyachting.com/AYmasters/classes.htm Overseas participants planning a trip to SE Asia, that would like to receive a brief taste of what sailing is all about or looking for a more hands on approach to racing should incorporate a course into their travel plans
Friday, April 4, 2008
Impossible to build a multihull in 6 months?

More on these relatively low tech and extremely fast traditional craft can be found at: http://asianyachting.com/news/SandeqRace.htm
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
AsianYachting Grand Prix Championships - up and at it again...

Monday, March 3, 2008
Beijing Olympic Games just around the corner - Who has qualified?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Phang Nga Bay Regatta - Is it really Asia's second biggest sailing event??

Thailands rapidly growing sailing season gets underway in spectacular fashion this week, when a fleet of 50 boats set sail on the annual Phang Nga Bay Regatta in picturesque southern Thailand.
This regatta, now in its 11th year, is as famous for its parties as it is for its sailing and this year promises to be no different. Four days of racing takes the fleet from Phuket to Phang Nga and Krabi provinces from February 6-10 with a prize-giving party held each evening at different venues along the way. Quite frankly, I don't know why its taken me 10 years to come and cover this event. What else is there for foreigners to do over the Chinese New Year break other than go out and enjoy sailing around southern
The organisers were taken by surprise when the regatta grew so quickly, expanding from an average of 30 boats in the early years, to 46 yachts in 2006 and 50 boats lined up in 2007. Making the Phang Nga Bay Regatta, Asia's second biggest sailing event, after the King's Cup. Unlike other annual regattas held in
Quite a few email comments have been received about Phang Nga not being the second biggest regatta in Asia. Don’t just be a reader, leave your mark here! Come on and give us your best shot!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Come on & join our Asian Yachting Racing Team
Sunday, January 13, 2008
New Year celebrations at RLIR 08