Two new pages have been added to the already comprehensive AY Syllabus that will interest crews coming to grips with racing skills. The Advanced Crewing page explains the syllabus and has links to the new Boat Handling page which covers Skipper & Crew Responsibilities, Boat Handling Under Power or Sail, Crew Roles, Organization, Co-Ordination and the Fine Art of Crewing. The Spinnaker handling page has a new section added - Set-up and Gybing Asymmetrical Spinnakers Further info on AY sailing courses, directions to PD World Marina, links to the entire AY Syllabus and Online Registration can be found at: http://asianyachting.com/AYmasters/classes.htm Overseas participants planning a trip to SE Asia, that would like to receive a brief taste of what sailing is all about or looking for a more hands on approach to racing should incorporate a course into their travel plans
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Hi and thanks for the compliments. Unfortunately I don't understand Brazilian so i can't comment on your blog livros e revistas but the best of luck with it. Cheers
Yachting is great fun. I've never yachted in Asia - actually a better truth would be I've never been to Asia.
I've done a fair amount of yachting on the South African and Mozambique coast line.
I wish you all the best with your yachting escaped in Asia.
Hi and thanks for your comments. Actually you don't have to sail in Asia because our website contains all the sailing course syllabus and is meant to be used as a online educational resource similar to the old school of the air on the radio. Many sailors around the world have used these pages to improve their skills and crew drills. So come on and enjoy at http://asianyachting.com
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